Honoring Mothers and their Perfect Love

Author: HelenCiraulo777 (Page 3 of 3)

Book Clips

Enjoy previewing my new book entitled,” Motherhood : A Winding Road of Joy.”

I will be posting excerpts for your enjoyment.

I am eager to hear your feedback on these topics and to share your story with our community  here at Celebrate the Seasons of Motherhood.



Helen Joy


How often have you been so overwhelmed that you just broke out into laughter? It can happen very often when you are raising your family. There are times when you either want to scream or just break down and laugh! Your kids will learn a lot about life through laughter. It may be good not to take everything so seriously. The truth is life is full of lemons, so why not just make lemonade!

We all need to be resilient in the eyes of stress.Laughter is a great stress reducer. It brings some happiness in a bleak moment and teaches us through laughter, that is is ok to poke fun at situations. It unites us and calms us completely down.
Some of my most trying moments were filled with trying to find the lighter side in life. When my son got his fingers jammed in the VCR and in the panic of rescuing him, I made a joke. It made him smile and not feel the terror of the moment. All did go well! Instead of driving him to the emergency room with a hand stuck in a VCR, I was able to calm him through laughter and jimmy his hand loose.

On those long car rides with the noisy, crazy kids in the back, if i didn’t tell a funny story here and there, we could of all gone crazy. Sometimes, in the middle of chaos, you find the lighter moments. Juggling kids in cars, stores, doctor appointments and schools can get very nerve wracking. You have to find a way to look at things with laughter or you will go crazy. Don’t be so concerned with appearances, just do your best in the situation and keep love for your child in your heart. It is worth raising your voice, letting your stress level soar or is it best to find the good and alter the attitude in order to make it through a situation?

I can remember my young son taking one of the major cans away in the grocery display and the entire tower going down. Well, I was quite embaressed and upset. But, instead of yelling, I decided that the best thing to do was to have my son and his brothers clean up the tumbling tower and rebuild it. Even the customers were nice and helped out and we learned that you can repair a bad situation. We found humor in the moment and it became a family story around the kitchen table. My son remembered how he fixed the tower. It was a positive outcome in his mind.

We must treat situations with love and make the best of all circumstances.
Patience can truly save the day!!

Peace in a mother’s heart

Mother’s were born to worry. It is part of the struggle in parenting. From the moment our child is born, we worry about our child’s well-being. As they grow, we worry about each stage of life.

How do we deal with the unknown: the worry?

Prayer is the answer.

Lift your worries and surrender them to God. God is always there helping us to find our inner strength . He surrounds us with pure love. Turn to God and her will quiet your mind and help restore peace in your heart.

Find God’s presence in your daily,everyday life.

He will answer your prayers, ease your suffering and surround your child with his heavenly protection so that you can rest.


Welcome to our retreat, a place to nuture our purpose as mother;

Celebrate the Seasons of Motherhood.

I invite you to enjoy the nourishment that lies within these words.Mothers need a peaceful place to go to find their true purpose in life. We were bestowed many beautiful gifts from God that I think we often overlook. Mothers need great nourishment today to see the divine purpose in our lives.

There is no harder job and no greater gift than raising a precious, beautiful child. Our world is full of misguided notions and people who do not value individuals. Mothers have a major influence in their children’s sense of the world. We are their first impressions of the world at large. Mother’s are the guiding force and have the power to build their lives with great virtue and love.

We have a very critical job that has a direct impact on our society. Our children’s well-being is in our delicate hands. It is our power that can change the course of negativity affecting our children and forge a better world.

Time and time again, we are moved in so many directions. The world and ourselves are spinning out of control. It is up to us to manage our lives well and our choices so that we do what is best for our children.Our presence and involvement give our children the unconditional love they need to nourish their lives. Do not buy into the idea that your presence does not matter. Your presence does matter and we, as mothers have a responsibility to our children to protect them and build their world with the ingredients that will build their sense of security and self-esteem.

As mothers, we give ourselves such little attention and nurturing, that we do not have the tools to do our job well.We need to build each other up, realize that our role is in divine partnership with God and help one another chart a successful course in the many stages of motherhood.

I choose this name for my blog because it sums up our mission. As Jesus once preached in the new testament , ” Be the salt of the earth” so too, I am urging mothers to Celebrate the Seasons;(seasoning as in SALT) of Motherhood.

This is our time, a time to sow the seeds of pure love and goodness. Mother’s have the power to transform the world, lets begin that transformation  through our family life. Let’s live a mindful , meaningful existence that will create harmony at home .

My blog will provide you pure nourishment. It will be rich with wisdom, scripture,personal experiences and enlightenment. Come join me on this journey and we can grow in the light  together. I know as mothers we have an open mind, a heart full of love and a deep interest in having the best life for our families. We want the best for our children and we are capable of moving mountains to make a better life.

Let’s stir our souls and nourish our minds. Follow me and we can make this an enriching experience and a dialogue between mothers of vast backgrounds, lifestyles and journeys. Let’s become a positive force in the world.

Our maiden voyage begins…let’s travel to ports and journey to  destinations that break boundaries and soars us to an altitude where God dwells. Let us transform together and hold sacred our purpose on earth.


Many Blessings,

Helen Joy Ciraulo

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