The thrill of my life happened when my daughter leaned in at our recent family gathering and announced that she is pregnant! I will never forget that moment, a moment in time when my body froze and my mind saw sweet babies all around me.Pure joy surged through me, unlike any feeling I have ever felt before.I really just wanted to shout on a mountain top, ” I am going to become a grandma!” but instead I grabbed my daughter and son in law gave them the biggest hug of their lives!
Here we were all gathered at the table to celebrate my husbands 60th birthday and our daughter presented the greatest gift of all! My husband was beaming and the room just exploded with hugs and kisses and thrills among us all! A baby certainly brings out the joy in a family!
I looked at my glowing daughter and wondered where did all the time go? Yes, I was there every step of the way but in my adult life time is flying by me at lightning speed. I want to hold this moment, put it in my pocket and take it out when I look back. I try in these present years to be more mindful. Being clear when moments happen help us to feel a deeper connection to our lives. I was not born with this thought but as I have aged, I have made a point to be very present.
My moments with my daughter will be so precious this year.I am here to support and love her through the wonder of this first pregnancy. I hope to include these moments in my blog.
We are always learning and now I embark on a new journey that will alter my view and give me greater wisdom about life.
I hope to be an attentive and loving Grandma. I have gained great wisdom from my experience as a Mom and bring knowledge and calm into the care of this child. I hope to leave my imprint on this beautiful soul, the way my own grandmother did for me. I acknowledge what a great blessing this child is in the lives of my daughter and son-in-law! I hope to cherish our moments as we wait for the blessing of the birth of this child.
For now, I wait in great anticipation for a new chapter to begin in my life!